Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Llomo Saltado

I went to a Peruvian restaurant in DC the other night called la Chatalan. It was pretty good. I had llomo saltado, which is kind of like stir-fry with french fries mixed in (brilliant idea). Also ceviche which is all kinds of seafood cooked in lime juices, which is great too. I could see myself living on these two dishes for two years alone, haha but maybe throw in some guinea pig for variety.

The waiter, Juan Carlos, was from Peru. I talked with him a little in Spanish. He knew about the Peace Corps and was incredibly friendly. He knew me for about 5 minutes and already gave me his family's phone number in Peru. His brother is the chief of police in their city in Peru and he said if I ever get in trouble I should call him and say I know his brother and he'll help me out, haha. I'll try and stay out jail though anyways.

I'm glad that nost Peruvians I have meet are so friendly. That should make living there a lot easier!

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